Well, I built my first true scene! I bought a small Woodland Scenic kit and had a great time (no real track, just 2’ x 1’ or so). One question, every other step seems to be “spray it with Scenic Cement!” OK, fine. After a couple of hours my spray bottle stopped up and I cant unclog it. Any tricks here?
Soak it in hot water for a couple hours maybe.
then use white glue in a 8-1 mix. cheaper.
Or go to cheap hair spray. watch the overspray with hairspray.
I don’t spray glue or wet-water any more. It makes too much of a mess, and it’s hard to keep stuff like that off the already-finished scenery and adjacent track-work. Instead, I use a pipette, which is a cheapo plastic eye-dropper. This gives me much better control of both placement and amount, and it doesn’t make a mess. I use it for ground foam, turf and even ballasting. No more spray bottles for me!
Those spritz bottle mechanisms are hit and miss. I have bought brand new ones and found that they were unservicable when I went to use them.
On the other hand, I have had one of them charged with a light mixture of carpenter’s glue and water, all I ever use, for about 20 months now, and apart from wiping the tip and screwing the nozzle back tight, I have never had to do a darned thing to it. Okay, to be perfectly honest, one time I spritzed some hot water throught it to free up the works a bit, and it helped. That’s it, though. Perfect attendance.
You will pay handsomely for WS liquids, while diluted matte medium, and diluted white and yellow glues do everything just as well.
Buy another spritz bottle, they’re $2.00 at your local hardware store.
You can spray 50-50 white glue-water with a few drops of dish detergent all day if you heat up the mix for a few seconds in a microwave oven.
I dont know about heating the mixture up in the microwave but I do know that the 50/50
mix of white glue and water works and is cheaper than W/S. I also dont hardly use a spray
bottle any more, an eye dropper has been working good for me so far, I do use the spray
bottle for large sections like fields and pastures.
I use a 50/50 mix of white glue and water, with a little bit alcohol added. I use a screw top mustard bottle to distribute the glue.
get a small wood nail and hammer into it, that worked on mine.[tup]
Kind of funny this came up today. I was looking for Mat Media spary to day. Ken from K-10 said to stay away from it for the very reason posted.
Cuda Ken uses a brush again