Scenery Complete On My Western Pacific Railroad

After 3 years of construction, scenery on my Western Pacific is now complete. I put in a lot of overtime hours these last few months in order to be ready for last weekend’s So Cal tour. I had Over 150 visitors drop by to see the layout firsthand.

Here is how the last sections came out. (for a complete history of my layout progress to date, please visit my photobucket album and search under “engineerbob”)

These first pics show an overall view of the newly completed section.

Here are some close up views

These last shots were taken from the older sections of the layout

Hope you’ve enjoyed the tour.

Wow, that is a lot of work. I have been watching your layout come along for awhile and was always in some deep level of awe and respect. Well done, it looks amazing. Wish I could see it in person.

You do incredible work. Your layout is as good or better than anything I have seen published. Thank you for sharing.

Wow nice job and great photos. Great color and lighting.

Beautiful work.

Thank you for sharing.



Exquisite scenery and buildings - bravo!


All I can say is, “WOW!” Your efforts and overtime were well worth it!

Wow. I bet even George Selios is taking notes…

I wonder what future issue of Model Railroader we’re going to see his layout in?

Great job Bob,

What product did you use for the water?


What beautiful artistry. I loved your first layout and looked forward to each new post. Then the announcement that you were rebuilding. Then the first few pictures, including the great canyon and trestle scene. Now this. Beautiful. I look forward to pics again.

Fantastic work!

It is truly magnificent, Bob. I think of the work that went into all the pavement, weathering and weeding of it, and then the sidewalks and fences. Those things, alone, probably took 30-60 hours I’m guessing.


To model the water, I used envirotex 2 part epoxy. The waves and wake around the tug boat was done using gloss medium.

Art. Thank you for the kind words. You’re Yosemite falls was the inspiration I used to model my waterfall at Junior Canyon

Hi Crandell. Your guess is about right. The roads took me about two full weeks to complete.

brilliant, awesome, beautiful…very balanced and elegant.

I think it has that special “it” …it looks just “right”


[bow] Words fail me…impressive modeling!!!..Tim

Uh, you missed a spot Bob over in the far right rear.


Very nice work. What manufacture are the structures?