I have a rookie question about Woodlands senic cement. I have my basic landscaping done on my first layout. I’ve painted the foam with a tan flat latex. When I applied some ground cover last night I notice that I get a sheen on the areas where I hadn’t planned ground cover. Obviously from the overspray. Is this normal or is there something else I can use to get away from this ? Thanks, Marty
Hi. I have never used WS Scenic Cement, and cannot recall what it is, but I would guess that you do see overspray from it. If you want to dull a few small spots, you can always mist the area with diluted matte medium, and I wonder if a short burst of Dull Coat would work.
I always thought that WS cement was just dilluted matte medium, but i must be wrong, I usually just use diluted white glue, and for the rare shiny spots that show, a quick spray of dullcoat for small areas.
Have fun & be safe,
50/50 mix of white glue and water works for me. WS wnats too much for their stuff. I can do without it.
I was white glue of cemet the scenic top the background, The white glue clean a water (H2O)
[8)] Ray-MenoFall -Spur.
? ? ?
I think the ??? was because of your construction, Ray. Did you mean to say “I use white glue…”? and that it “cleans up with water…”? If not, would you please use other words to describe your method?
Thanks all, Marty
I asked this question to the owner of Scenic Express at a recent show. He said they were the “same product”. The WS cement drys to a matte finish, but you will still notice the overspray on another area. I either mask (roadways, etc.), or spray the entire area. Joe
Okay I tried white glue mixed 50/50 with water. I’ve tried 2 different spray bottles and both clog in the nozzle and shoot a stream instead of a spray. Next I tried white glue 1 part to 4 parts water with some dish wash detergent. Much better, but still clogs somewhat and I can’t seem to get a useable spray. I’ve since tried cheap hairspray with good results. Any/all comments and or solutions welcomed. Thanks, Marty.
I got the same clogging problem as you. In fact I just posted a similar thread, not knowing you had this problem also. I went from 2:1 to 3:1 no difference. Maybe we need a better quality spray bottle. Have you had any luck curing this. Thanks, Dave
No Dave I haven’t tried yet as I’ve been using cheap hair spray for now. I do agrre with what ndbprr said about diluting it as much as you need to get a good spray as the water evaporates anyway leaving only the glue. I’ve tried 2 different types of spray bottles with no luck. I was using 4 to 1 so I’ll try thinning it further. Hair spray for now works fine and if you get any sheen where you don’t want it Dullcote takes care of that. We’ll see how it shakes out, Marty
For what it’s worth, I use the Scenic Cement, but I brush it onto the area, rather than use the spray bottle. I paint the area first with a latex basecoat of some earth color, or even black, then recoat it with a texture paint made from latex flat housepaint and fine beach sand, for that “earthy” texture. When that’s dry, I use a 1"-2" wide bruch and liberally coat the area with scenic cement, then sift the ground material onto it.
In my experience, it holds like iron and I’ve had very little detachment over time of the ground materials. Using a brush also means I can get the stuff into the area where I want it, rather than spraying cement all over the surrounding areas. I usually work on a 12" X 12" area, more ore less, at one time.
How old is the white glue that you’re using to make your dilutions? Is it possible that glue that’s been around for a while develops clumps in it which might clog the sprayer? A number of years ago an NTrak club I belonged to used diluted Elmer’s white glue to hold down ballast. We found a visible white residue in some areas after it dried. At that point, we switched to diluted matte medium and did not see any residue after it dried. Can’t remember what dilutions we used of the glue or matte medium. We may have not diluted the white glue enough.
I would suggest, that before you use whatever dilution of white glue you decide to use on any large areas, that you test the dilution on some ground cover or ballast to see the results with regard to appearance and holding power.
I thought about old glue, but mine today is a Fresh bottle. I paid particular attention that it was mixed well, and dilluted up to 4:1. I’ll try to find Matt Medium. I have a 50% off coupon for the local art store tomorrow. Dave
I’m using new glue as well. Seem’s I’ve solved the problem now by mixing 5-6 to one and some dish wash liquid. Sprays fine now. Marty