I m sure many of you have seen this movie concerning the atrocities made to mankind. I myself being of Polish descent am very interested in my parents past, what they went through and all. When I seen those old steamers , I asked Phoenix sound what type of locos were those, and to my reply they were JY1 or 2 german made locos for the war. Any similarities of these types of locos out there. As for the lonely distant cry whistle for life, I ll have to look to Phoenix for that one , or just record it from the movie on a sound board.
Also being of Polish heritage, the last thing I would want is the loco that led prisoners to Aushwitz, kinda creepy actually [V]
Maybe so, but for me it will be a constant reminder on what mine and yours went through, and what it means to be free. I ve listened to many horrific stories from my parents, so as for myself it is the train of death, and therefore shall always be remembered. In Memorium of all those who fell. .
Yes i really regret that, that all happened but i’m glad it was snuffed and I am also glad that I lived on the other side of the world.
Rgds Ian
Just cause you live on the other side of the world doesn’t necessarily make you safe. Didn’t Japan invade your country (at Dawin) while your soldiers were over in Europe helping to sort out that mess. And look at the terrorist bombings in the south pacfic targeting Australian tourist just because Australia went into the Iraq war. Sorry, no-where is safe any more. Not even a deserted island in the middle of the ocean, they get wiped out by tsunami. The ozone hole over Antarctica is melting the ice, and the world is ending, so you might as well try to forget about it all and go out side and play trains while that’s still legal.