Scratch Building Plans

Can anyone recommend a good source for scratchbuilding sctructures? Print or web based.


They offer a book of plans for scratchbuilding and have photos of each structure on the web site. Most of the buildings look as though they could be easily “modernized” for a 1920 - 1940 setting. If I remember correctly, the plans are available in both N and HO.

Thanks- I will check it out.

Hi Alexander,

You can go to the Model Train Magazine Index on this site and do a keyword search on “structure drawings” and find a lot of plublished plans. Limiting your search to MODEL RAILROADER – search on “structure drawings mr” – will find the plans published in our magazine from 1934 to the present. You can order photocopies of drawings from out-of-print back issues of MR from

Good hunting,

Andy Sperandeo

Alex, you can also go to to nearest regional library to your house and get RR back issuse for the past five years. You might find some good stuff there. I don’t know if Shake has a regional library, but Maple Hts. does…Jamie from Maple Hts.

The Maple Library also has a couple of track plan books up stairs in the model RR book section…Jamie

Old issues of Model Railroader, RMC, and NGSL from the 50s, 60s, 70,s and 80s had many good plans and articles on scratchbuilding structures and rolling stock. The public library usualy has a good collection of these magazines which you can look through. When you run across an article of interest make a copy of it.