scratch Building

Well, this is my first post on the new forum…still getting used to it. my question is this. I am attempting my first sratch build using basswood. I have never worked with this kind of wood before. Can you use regular wood glue, elmers or is there a special glue for basswood. I know it is soft like balsa, so I dont want anything that will damage the wood. Thanks for any help.

White or yellow glue work just fine.

Bob Boudreau

Just remember, when you use a water based glue it will tend to warp the wood. Some will actually use thick super glue hoping to prevent warping. If you build walls and roofs, make sure after gluing that you place some wieght on the wall on a flat surface and allow to dry. If you dont, and start gluing walls together they will warp. Bracing helps, just like a real house or building, but with keeping the walls etc. flat until the glue dries, you should have no problems.
You can use white or yellow glue, super glue, Gorilla Glue, but monitor for warpage, and do as suggested.
Yard Master

All the foregoing advice is valid but I’ll offer something further. Yellow wood glue is to be preferred over white glue because of its greater holding strength with regard to wood models. CA (super glue) has pros and cons, generally depending on the hobbyist, but I personally don’t care for it all that much (many do!).

If this is your first wooden scratchbuilding project, be sure to use a lot of internal bracing on the walls and roof to avoid warping…more than you’d ever think necessary. Likewise, lightly spray the completed walls and roof (inside and out) with a thin coat of neutral color, lacquer-based, spray paint or primer to seal the wood. After doing so, you can finish- paint and weather with most any water-based or lacquer paints and washes without much fear of any warping.

I’ve been doing scratchbuilding for many years and derive a great deal of enjoyment from it. I’m sure you will too. Below is a pictured of one of my scratch structures.
