Scratchbuilding structure templates?

Hi everyone. I’ve done a search for this, but couldn’t find what I wanted, and I was hoping some people would be able to help.

I want to start scratchbuilding some structures, and I wanted to be able to find some templates like this on the net to print out for some different buildings to start making, as I’m not really able to design them myself.

Farm buildings in particular would be good, eg. barns, farmhouse, sheds, etc, but any kind of template plans would be much appreciated, along with any tips on building materials and weathering.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you can help me get started!


Welcome to the forum. I have not seen such templates but tend to draw my own, either with a pencil and scale ruler or on a cheap drafting program on my computer. If you have buildings you want to model, all you really need is a picture and one good measurement. You can guess the rest pretty close, though a set of old blue prints are what some people seem to want. I am working on the family farm from pictures taken 65 years ago.

I agree with Art, such templates seem to be rare on the Internet. However, they were commonplace items in MR, RMC, et al. for decades prior to the 1990’s. If you are in the market for doing some serious scratchbuilding, the old magazines are the first place to look.


Greeting Rohan,
[#welcome] to the forum.
You might try H has traveled to back roads of Mississippi for years and has some fantastic shots of old farm houses, out buildings, barns,churches, schools and a consortium of other subjects. He’s in Jackson, Mississippi. If you cant find hei let me know and i wlll.
Hope this helps.

Well this morning I managed to stumble across a great page with lots of printable kits for buildings, while looking around at model railroad sites.

I think they’re meant to be more of a basic paper toy kit, but the shape of lots of different buildings is there, which is the main thing I needed help with.

Thanks for your suggestions everyone. I hope these basic designs can help some other people with their own scratchbuilding efforts.