
I’ve only been in the hobby for less than a year. I’m building a freelance HO 4x8 for my son. He and I use Rock Island and Santa Fe trains. When your working with a 7 yr old, prototype takes a back seat to “cool”.

Can anyone help me with making my own window and door frames? I’m scratching a depot/station and later would like to build some houses. Thanx!

Take a tip from the full-scale construction people: Don’t make your own windows and doors. Instead, buy them and install them.

I like the ones from Tichy Train Group. Grandt Line is another good producer of these. They have their own web sites, or you can find them at Walthers.

Besides saving you a lot of time, pre-made doors and windows will provide a uniform look throughout the building, with all the frame pieces cut to the same size and thickness. This is very hard to achieve in scratchbuilding if you really cut the pieces and make them yourself.