SD40-2 troubleshooting help.

Hello all. I hope I’m in the right spot for this. If not please direct me to the right spot. I’m looking for some help troubleshooting a sd40-2.

We have a unit that throttles up to notch 8 but when in self load it will only go to notch 5, nothing beyond that.

is there anyone here with experience with this and we can discuss some of the steps we have taken, Or a direction we should take. Thank you.

Ooh, looking forward to this. I have zero help for you, but I do spend hours helping other pros sort out complicated electronic problems in another industry. SO I watch with interst.

Still…maybe if you turn it off and then back on?

(sorry, just a joke)

That’s the throttle notch associated with engaging dynamic braking. The self-loading ‘facility’ uses the DB resistance for self-load testing. I suspect this may be related to the issue you are having.

We have a number of people in the community with distinctive competence in maintaining EMDs; unfortunately, the private-messaging forum utility is broken, so you’re going to be reduced to putting up the Bat-light here and hoping they see it.

I would also ask this question over on RyPN, where there might be operators who have seen this specific issue in ‘preserved’ units.

Try contacting the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway, they have a fleet of SD40-2 locomotives (As understand it they love the things!) and may be able to help.