SD70M Flared radiator kit, where are they now?

Im searching for a flared radiator kit as i’d like to convert a Genesis SD70M but after this page-

The trail has gone cold.[sigh]

I thought at first that Cannon & Co made them but all the Cannon lists ive seen dont mention such a thing.

Anyone shed any light please?

are the rads the only thing thats really different? I have noticed details that are different between the SD 70 and SD 75, especially on the fireman’s side.


I have 2 sets with grilles that are still laying around. I believe they were from Canon. They are hard to come by, but Google it and you should find it.

You could possibly try bowser for the parts. I think they have Cal Scale and Carey detail parts among others…

I’m not a diesel guy, so I could be mistaken on what they actually carry…

I think there are two different types, one for the SD70M ( 3 fans ) and the SD70M-2 ( 2 fans ) I cant find either.

Probebly not Dan but i’d be happy just to have one with flared radiators.[8D]

I guess i’l have to keep looking harder. Thanks for the replys though guys.