
could someone tell me the main spotting features and diffrences between an SD4390mac and a SD90mac-H? thank you.

If I remember correctly from the diagram in trains, the SD90s mid-section between the raidiators and the cab is low. The SD4390s mid-section is even with the cab and raidiators.

I know that there is going to be other things written about this issue, so I tell you what one of the main differances between the two. The engine compartment on the 4390 is squared off at the top. But on the H engine equipped, the roof, looks like it has been cut away. It looks to be at an 45 degree angle. Plus the 4390’s are numbered in the 8000-83-- series. The H engine units are numbered 8500 and above. These are the only things that I know of that you can tell the differance.

Hope this helps, Dru

Dru hit the major differentiating feature separating the H’s and the 4300 units. However, there is one other one if you are high ground you will notice. The 6000Hp units have two distinct stacks (two turbochargers) vs a single stack (one turbocharger) on the 4300hp units. Other than that, there is not much of a difference. The phase II sd90mac6000 units are definitely different. Different underframe and carbody (UP8522-UP8561). Phase I 6000hp up units are numbered 8500 to 8521.

I hope that helps!



Thanks for telling me about the twin stacks. That was something I didn’t know that the 6000HP version. I never really noticed, not that I have seen very many of them. I think I’ve only seen 5 since they have been out. Don’t get to see very many of them through here. Well, thanks for the help.


The 6000hp units also have a redesigned cab area. The 9043 has a cab identical to the SD70. The bottom edge of the windshields is flat near the center then angles down as it gets close to the side(it follows shape of nose). The 6000hp units have a redesigned nose section and the windshield glass is rectangular. I think the windshield glass is the same as that used on the GE C44AC, C60AC, etc.

The first order(UP8500-UP8521) of 6000hp units have the exact same shorthood and longhood design as the SD90mac4300’s(UP8000-UP8308), with exception of stacks and angled longhood over engne. The second order (UP8522-UP8561) of 6000Hp 90mac’s are the phase 2 design. New cab, underframe, longhood, and shorthood.
