Section 2 Rough in

In between crackers topped with Cheez-Whiz, shots of bourbon, and putting up with the wife’s new dog, I was able to rough in Section 2. The brick walls are HO scale by Knoch and behind that I built up sheets of pink urethane foam from Home Depot. I missed the NASCAR race!!!


Lookin GOOD !!!


Again, it looks spectacular! Are you using forced perspective and are the buildings above the wall also HO? If so, you’ve accomplished it very well. If not, then I guess the buildings are further into the background than I thought. I swear the truck looks HO compared to stuff in the foreground.

Nice use of the Atlas flex track too! Plans for my future layout include the same broad curves where they can be seen and where possible use tighter curves behind scenery and in tunnels.

Bruce Webster

Bruce, Exactly!! The upper level will be a mix of smaller O scale and HO buildings.

Broad curves sure make a difference with that engine. And having the buildings above also make the scene seem deeper - great job!

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What are the plans for above the bldgs. ?

Thanks for sharing. Great job.

For now the blue sky seems to work well.

Fantastic work, Jon!