Secure LED Holders

I’m looking for plastic LED holders that will securely hold 5 mm LEDs in a 1/8" thick wooden control panel without any wiggle on either end of the LEDs. I want to snap the holders/LEDs in place through a hole on the panel and wire the two poles from the panel’s underside without having to hold the LED itself.

I got these from All Electronics, but the holders easily pop loose from the hole:

I then found these on eBay that look like they’ll do the job:

Will the eBay example do what I want? If not, please refer me to a style and a source for them that will.

Look nice enough, and they’d definitely be the thing if you want the look of those bezels around the LED. Otherwise a little dab of hot glue on the underside would do the trick.

Does the holder pop out of the collar or does the collar pop out with the holder.

A dab of caulk was my first idea. Ebay also has metal, threads and nut type holders

Thanks, Dan. I held them in place before with Gorilla glue, but this time am looking for another method.


Both the holder and collar pop out of the hole. There’s just not enough purchase between the collar and the wood. I could just glue the collar to the wood, but…

Earlier, I used Gorilla glue to hold the base of the LED itself to the wood, a method that worked well. I’ve also seen the metal screw type, though now I’m looking for a simpler, cleaner way of securing the LEDs. Thus the plastic version possibility.

I have used the eBay version in the past. They are designed to snap into a hole in a thin material like a sheet of plastic. If material is too thick, the plastic tabs will not pop out on the back side to hold it in place. Also, the tabs will break off very easily.

I’ve used ones like the eBay ones before, but my panels were plexiglas. I have a feeling the thickness of the wood, coupled with wooood naturally having a less sharp edge at a drilled hole, means they have issues holding in. They’re really intended for metal or palstic panels. Without some extra helpo in the form of some glue, they will probably still pop out. White glue is a good option, they shouldn’t just fall out unless you press on them, but if you need to take one out, just pressing on it will break the glue bond, since white glue won;t stick to the plstic that well.


Paul and Randy,

Do you think my 1/8" thick wood is just a bit too thick without having to glue the holders in place? Filing off the tiny splinters from a drilled hole in the wood just may increase the clips’ grabbing power.

The eBay version is looking like my optimum choice at this point.

1/8" sounds a bit thick to me. I used some plexiglas like Randy and even that can be a problem if it is too thick. I am not at home right now or I would measure some but I am guessing that 1/16" would be close. If the material is too thin, they will stay in the hole but can wobble around because they rely on the tabs to help hold it in place .

The specs as I recall, was an OD of 2.48". Below the 48th parallel that is darn close to 1/4".

A little bit of friction ought to be enough to keep these holders in place, it’s not like the led’s are spring loaded. Let some white glue dry in the hole then insert the holder, plastic wood, rubber cement, or masking tape on the holder. Unless the hole in the plywood is excessive, I don’t see why you can’t make this work.

I picked up some chrome LED bezels with nuts off ebay that are threaded 3/16” long, should work on ⅛” thick wood.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

I have used both the plastic LED holders and the chrome LED holders, and in my experience, the chrome LED holders are more reliable. However, the plastic LED holders can work if you carefully limit the diameter of the hole so that the LED slips through the plastic holder without the plastic holder coming loose.

I use 1/16" (0.0625") material for the control panel. I drill a pilot hole, then I use a reamer to increase the size of the hole to accept the plastic holder and the LED. A case of trial and error to get the right size diameter hole without reaming too large a hole.

I think that 1/8" material may be too thick. I just made a new control panel and, instead of wood, I used 0.060 white styrene sheet. That looks great, better than wood which should be painted.


Henry -

Did you mean to say 2.48 mm? [:D] In the lower 48 that’d be something we likely could figure out!

That’s what I’m thinking – the pic only has the hole under half of one track (or thereabouts).

Edit … errr,wait, maybe the pic was over in the turnout motor thread …

I use 1/16” thick Plexiglas with a CAD drawing sandwiched between it and 1/16” sheet Aluminum for my control panels. The total thickness is a tad over ⅛” (.130”), the chrome eBay LED bezels and the micro toggles fit easily with room to spare. I used the snap-in plastic bezels early on but the chrome bezels are much better looking.

The Plexiglas protects my CAD drawing and the drawing can easily be updated when needed.

So far I’ve only had to drill three new panels in 30 years for major additions or mods. The drawing can be changed easily by removing the toggle and bezel nuts. The piano hinge screws are only through the Aluminum portion allowing the Plexiglas to be easily removed. The panel total thickness at .130” doesn’t cause any problems mounting the bezels or toggles.