
I’m happy to report that everything went fine. There was no trouble and the trains were great. All in all I saw 10 trains all moving down the main. Thanks everyone for your tips!

I’ve had the good fortune to meet the local trainmaster and sat in the middle of the road at a blocked crossing (no hassle from the cops - it’s a military installation and they were doubling out a trainload of military equipment) chatting with him for quite some time one day. Even got an invite to the local yard. I think some of the local crews have come to recognize my truck as well - red lights on my vehicle tend to lend an air of officialdom, so it’s less likely I’ll get hassled. MP’s might take offense, but I’ve got my ID’s.

If I know CSX is switching a military train or coal on the installation I’ll adjust my travels to I can check out the action.

All the more reason for railroad parks, as is being discussed elsewhere.