***seeing stars***

OK, just as I’m about to shout “Hallelujah! No Stars!!”[:D], they return. Sometimes.
Some threads: No stars at the top, then they appear further down. Some threads: There all the way. Some threads: Stars at the top, then go away, then start back!
What’s up with THAT?

The Stars are supposed to disappear at the end of June. If you don’t see them, look at the bottom of your screen to see if the page is fully loaded on your computer.

Which stars? The rank stars? I wouldn’t mind…

Ugh, I would hate to see the stars go. Granted, they do cause some problems, but, they also provide alot of good too Cuts down on trolls in the hiding. Also, sad to say, but if does give some credit to the poster if it has to due with info, the"informal rules" or even adivce…