I have purchased a little over sixty items through Ebay in the last four years and find it a great way to find hard to find items for instance,or out of production goodies.On the other hand,it’s also often been a frustrating experience as I’ve seen hundreds of very appealing items slip right under my nose simply because the seller didn’t ship outside U.S…I never could figure out why they do this since the payment is always “up front” but I can just suppose that shipping north of the border is a very complicated formality.
What surprises me in that attitude is the fact that if I could have posted a bid,it is possible that I wouldn’t have won anyway,but it would still have increased the bid amounts,wouldn’t it?Well…it’s a free world…I won’t argue with one who willingly wants to lose money.I’m just sorry I was denied a chance to obtain a desired item but can live through it.
And if this wasn’t enough,Ebay sellers have come up with a new trend…Paypal payment only…and guess what?I don’t have and never will have a Paypal account so my Ebay purchase era is over,as simple as that.I could email the seller to inquire if he accepts money orders but I won’t.If sellers accept other payment methods,they say so on their postings…just that simple.
I’ve always paid with canadian postal money orders,wich I believe to be “good as cash” and never had a complaint from any seller except once,where the seller returned my US $300+ MO saying that his bank didn’t want to cash it…I guess it is his bank’s version of “free trade”…so I didn’t get my SP Daylight set but then again,I lived through it.
I’ve read that the “Paypal payment only” is an Ebay rule,as someone has cleverly stated,as another way to get a better grip on more of the customer’s hard earned cash.And it seems to work as this rule is widely if not totally enforced by obedient sellers.I don’t go for this…so no more Ebay for me.
As both a buyer and seller for many years I never had a problem with checks or money orders and I held off signing up for PayPay until there was no choice. Before signing up for PayPal when I was interested in an item and when PayPal was an option I never placed a bid unless I could and would meet the payment terms the seller stated in the listing. If the seller only accepted PayPay I didn’t bid. With that said I still prefer recieving checks or Money Orders and depositing them directly in my bank account but of course that option has all but disapeared.
As others have stated there are safe ways to accept money orders but since you stated the terms in your listing the ball is in your court. If you really want PayPal then insist on it and be prepared to file a greivance if you con’t get paid. On the other hand if have to accept the M O to complete the sale and decide to do so you can leave appropiate feedback for this buyer. Of course the buyer’s feedback should be beyond reproach if you accept the M O.
Isn’t Paypal owned by Ebay? Doesn’t Paypal charge a fee for their service or are they providing this service out of the goodness of their hearts?(like so many other large companies do…[:-^])
What turns me off to e-bay and pay pay is the official looking phishing letters I get…Even today I got a warning my account needed updated…Failure to reply will cause your account to be closed!
Funny…I closed my e-bay account in 2005…Never had a pay pal account…
What turns me off to e-bay and pay pay is the official looking phishing letters I get…Even today I got a warning my account needed updated…Failure to reply will cause your account to be closed!
Funny…I closed my e-bay account in 2005…Never had a pay pal account…
Why should that bother you? Isn’t it obvious those don’t originate at eBay? I’ve gotten the same type of thing and I’ve NEVER had an e-Bay or PayPal account.
If I had a dollar for every time I got a phishing email telling me that I won millions in the UK’s National lottery, I’d have as much money as if I actually had won the National Lottery. Apparently the scam artists seem to have forgotten that to win a lottery, you actually have to buy a ticket.
Obviously, you have yet to get similar emails from banks at which you have never had an account, as I have, telling me my account there is in danger if I don’t reply.
They’re sent by scammers at random, without knowing if you have (or ever had) a PayPal or an eBay account.
You will get those whether you use eBay and PayPal or not. There is no way to stop them–these guys move around every day to keep from getting caught.
eBay’s got no control over scammers. For every one that’s caught, two more spring up. So why’s eBay to blame?
I bank with BofA. On more than one occasion, I’ve gotten a phishing email that looked like it was an official BofA email. Am I to blame BofA for scammers that haven’t gotten caught?