Semi-open house?

A local model railroader has invited the public to view his layout in Myerstown, PA. I’ll be calling him next week to see it with my boys and talk with him about just how open he’s having his home. He hosts his daughter’s students, she teaches third grade, and got the front page in a local freebie advertising paper.

What are you trying to imply here?

He’s got his phone number at the end of the article, and seems to have extended an open invitation, but how far is he willing to go? ie: young children, large groups, people from far away, etc. A class of third graders is not the same as a pair of three year olds who scream loud and long when it is time to go.

I see now. . .

You know your boys better than anyone. If you feel that they could be disruptive, then don’t bring them; that shows respect for the owner of the house. If your boys will behave, stay next to you and not grab at the layout, then communicate that with the layout owner and I’m sure he will not have a problem with you bringing them.

Have fun!