Senate confirms Foxx as transportation secretary

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Senate confirms Foxx as transportation secretary

Let’s see…
…This is the Obama scandal ridden train wreck setting up this one. I expect more scandals in the future. Next time, possibly including Amtrak or some government run commuter line. Or perhaps an ignoring of the railroad safety rules, like George Ryan did. Don’t know who George Ryan is? Look up his name and the License For Bribes scandal in Illinois. Interesting story.

the only scandals are the make believe ones in bagger world

A tpur shuttle between United States Botanic Garden and United States National Arboretum.

Guse, you realize after your racist diatribe against Foxx last time that nobody’s going to take anything you say on the subject remotely seriously ever again, right? If you had a sane, sensible, real world argument against him, you wouldn’t have resorted to your comments in “A look at transportation secretary nominee Anthony Foxx”.

Mr. LaHood probably did an above average job. Let’s see if Mr. Foxx can equal it and maybe even do it better. He certainly comes with a splendid reputation in public transit involvement in Charlotte and apparently has performed splendidly. I wish him the best. If he can get any cooperation from Congress he should succeed. To have them all endorse him already says a whole lot.

Did the GOP actually vote for Mr. Foxx? wonders never cease!

A tour shuttle between United States Bontanic Garden and United States National Arboretum

A tour shuttle between United States Bontanic Garden and United States National Arboretum

A tour shuttle between United States Bontanic Garden and United States National Arboretum

A tour shuttle between United States Bontanic Garden and United States National Arboretum