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Senate passes six-year surface transportation bill
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Senate passes six-year surface transportation bill
Translated: Nothing really for Amtrak.
Yes jim you are correct. How many NEW government regs are hidden in this bill??? More government over reach is an absolute certainty. Clean bills just don’t get through congress anymore. YES I for one our fed up with the FEDS.
Part of the House proposal was zero increases in the Federal Gas tax but all sorts of jury rigging of “things and stuff” in order to produce money. One of those was to stop giving SS to anyone with an outstanding felony warrent and instead of using that money to help the SS fund it would instead be used to fill the Federral Highway trust fund.
The congress peoples are worried that if they raise the gas tax, people will be angry with them and yell at them. Awww, no intestinal fortitude by any of them. Raise the gas tax and have done with it. People will be angry for a short time, but they want to drive, enjoy driving, and will drive and thus the whole tax raise will pass after a short period of supposed distress. Like I said congress peoples have no true intestinal fortitude.