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Senator: ‘Railroads need to be held accountable’ for PTC installation
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Senator: ‘Railroads need to be held accountable’ for PTC installation
Here’s an idea Sid. Just shut the entire rail system down on Jan. 1. See how well that would go over. We have ignorant fools like this, setting unrealistic deadlines, and then complaining about them not getting completed on time.
Just another overpaid prejudiced idiot.
This issue reminds me of airlines putting off your YEARS installing stronger doors to the flight deck, 9-11 happened and voala, airlines had NO problem installing them. I do NOT suggest that PTC is as easy as installing a door, but I do agree with railroads that the technology is ever changing. But from 2008 till 2016 is 8 yrs, I think that by now something could have been figured out by now. Just sayin!!!
It’s not so much Gettin a system to work as it is getting multiple systems to work together.
Richard Blumenthal sir you need to back off you’d demands and go play on a railroad track. Unfunded federal mandates are costing railroads billions and ppl like you just don’t get it. You want PTC then have your government Quit spending 75 dollars on screw drivers and 300 hundred on hammers yes that cost has gone up and PAY for it with government funds. Quit shoving this unproven system down our throats. Let’s have a recall election on the DICK
My wife says you only need PTC when there’s only ONE person in the cab. And that one person can only over ride PTC in an emergency. For a non railroader she has a pretty good grasp of what to do better than the idiots in Washington. I know trains we are to be respectful but it’s really hard when so many really Dumb things happen in DC that effect so many of us. If my class one hadn’t already spent over a billion dollars on this Crap maybe we wouldn’t be laying off hundreds of our management team.
This is the same guy that almost got cold conked by an Acela train while he was bloviating on a station platform.
Yea…Sure they do Senator. All the while the government remains unaccountable.
I thought that was a Metro-North train that almost clipped the bloviating “Sen. Stolen Valor”.
If he is so concerned; he should be raising hell with the FCC on licenses for some of the towers required. Most politicians blab just to get attention. He’s lucky the mirror on the Acela didn’t spin him further into fantasy land.
Congress should be held accountable for mandates it issues.
Sounds like the hometown headline on this should be “Senator Blumenthal asks Federal Government to levy extra fines and fees on Connecticut”
This guy is a real leftwing idiot. Maybe we should fine the SEC and other government agencies for the all the deadlines they missed in the Dodd-Frank extravaganza, or the EPA heads for the biggest waste spill ever, or maybe politicians (like this idiot) who lied about their service record.
Jeez. And I thought Chuckie Schumer was the biggest pretentious, obnoxious, pontificating A-H in Washington. They create a huge problem, and then act as if they had nothing to do with it. But, by God, they’re going to fix it or make those #@%*&!@#'s pay for their misdeeds. In a sane world outside of the DC bubble, people like Blumenthal would be arrested and charged with racketeering and extortion. But they’re never held to account by those with the ability to do so: their constituents.
Even the best PTC system won’t help idiots standing too close to the edge of the platform…
You want “meaningful consequences”? Maybe the railroads, should just say, ok, we will stop all trains. You can explain to your constituants why the store shelves are empty. The Feds built or paid for many highways, they built the airports, and the air navigation system, they waste 100 times what it would cost them for PTC on things that 99+% of the U.S population would not agree with, and they can’t pay for the safety of our citizens? They don’t have the brains to get their own agency (FCC) to figure out their part of the problem, before they implement this? The “vocal loudmouths” need to do more to solve problems, than creating them.
Ok, I’ll pay for the PTC, IF congress balances the U.S. budget by the end of the year, and gives U.S. needy citizens priority, before all else. If Congress doesn’t balance the budget, cut all congress persons pay to make up the difference, AND fine them every day that the budget isn’t balanced, and properly paid for. Same reasoning your doing to the railroads, right?
When will someone hold this waste of humanity responsible for getting something done??? I know I’m supposed to be respectful but I’m getting damn tired of kissing up to these self serving bags of wind who do nothing but collect a bloated paycheck and cause extreme hardship to most everyone that they supposedly represent. Leave the Railroads alone Blumenthal!! Ship yourself off to Antarctica and see if the penguins vote for you.
No they should not be held accountable. The government is pushing fast for the PTC installation. The government should of set the cost.