I discovered a new use for my air operated die grinder, i’m in the process of building a S scale Putt Trains mogul kit with some significient modifications from stock. This is your traditional Zimac kit that requires every level of metal working to obtain a credible finished product. Since the model purports to be a Reading prototype, it has the truncated cab and wooten firebox which need to be reworked. [sigh]
The 3 inch air operated cut off disc made quick work of removing the cab, the die grinder made quick work of reshapping the fiebox and boiler , it also excelled at removing the domes, boiler details and running boards. Tonight i’ll work at removing that hunk of metal under the cab and layout the details for the open frame, gotta do the same in the pilot/lead truck area as well . Next on the agenda is more grinding to recontour the cylinder castings and creating patterns for new running boards, boiler jackets and firebox sides. Stay tuned, with any luck the end result will be a credible SP example[8D]