Have you folks seen the new Dream,Plan,Build video series#3 yet. Very excitng to see the guys layouts. Even Bergie has a peice on decal application. Great peice guys.
I received a promotional version from MR recently in the mail and started watching it. (Don’t know if it was vol. 3 or not.) I was enjoying both the hands-on portions, as well as the layout tours. But for some reason, about 1/2 way through, the DVD became completely unplayable - i.e. the picture went from jerky to still to no tracking at all. Disappointing, to say the least. I trust it was just bad disc. My DVD player is not that old.
Heck , I’m waiting for no. 4 ! I did enjoy number 3 , it was very useful. The layout tours gave me lots of ideas.
Reklein, guys…
O.K, call me “clueless”.
A little more info and feedback on this series, please?
What is covered, were any layouts appearing in MRR used? Is this similar to Joe Fugate’s series? What is the price tag? Would you recommend this to newbies and seasoned modelers? etc., etc.?
I have them through volume 3, and I’ve found them interesting and informative, and I would heartily recommend them to newbies. I consider myself somewhat of a seasoned modeler (I’m working on my second layout), and I still enjoy them.
The Dream,Plan,Build dvd series is an offer by MRR. The best part for me are the videos of well known Model Railroads, There are instructional segments, and prototype information too.Also offered as a bonus to those of us who like to collect stuff is a commerative medallion featuring steam and deisel locomotives. They are offered on a trial basis each one that is. You can preview it and send it back without paying or fill in the order sheet along with payment and send that back. There are also PDF files include so you can print instruction or info you might wantto save. For more info you can e-mail dpbvideos@cust-serv.net
So far I have enjoyed D,P,B 1-3!
Drooling waiting for #4!!!