Anybody know how long they measure? I have a dock/wharf urban switching layout and space is at a premeium.
Anybody know of anybody making a #5 or #4 double crossover in code 70? Those look better I think anyway for a late 1940’s layout.
Anybody know how long they measure? I have a dock/wharf urban switching layout and space is at a premeium.
Anybody know of anybody making a #5 or #4 double crossover in code 70? Those look better I think anyway for a late 1940’s layout.
Oh man I had one I would say about 8 to 12 inches if I remember correctly.
The Walthers/Shinohara HO #6 double crossover is 19 5/32" long. The track centerlines are 2" apart. I hope this helps you.
Don Z.
Holy smokes almost 20 inches!
Maybe I will just go with a single crossover with #4 or 5’s
I single crossover is probably the same length as a double.
Two #5’s forming a crossover are also about 20".
Yeah, I would think so. It is the same as 2 seperate switches, except put together for you. Might as well use the double crossover.
Shinohara made a #4 D Xvr at one time . I don’t know if it was ever in code 70. #4’s requre more space betw
Good luck! Check PECO code 75 / Atlas #4’s (code 100).
The only way to get it smaller is hand lay it. I tried a short crossove with some old #5’s by cutting down the diverting leg, bad news, “S” curve was dead fro anything over 40ft long. THe #6 double cross is a good unit we have 3 including one at the throat of the yard, they do take some space up!!
Old picture but you can see the size
Wish I had the skill and EYES to hand lay but do not.
I plan on using the Walthers double crossover on my layout. You can make a double crossover with Atlas #6 TO’s and a 19 degree crossing. Two problems with this: (1) the length of the double crossover is 26 inches and (2) the tracks are 3 inches apart. As I want my mainlines 2 inches apart, will plan on using the Walthers double crossover instead.
So then a # 4 wouldnt really be that much shorter?
Guess I will just get the shinohara ones then.
You’d have to find an older NON-DCC friendly unit if you want a #4 crossover. Walthers only makes the #6 now. The difference is the angle of the diverging leg; the #4 turnouts have a much sharper diverging angle than a #6 turnout. I have seen #4’s on ebay, but they have all been code 100 track as well. I have a #6 crossover on my layout and all of my motive power can use the crossover with no problems and they look good as well. No excessive boiler hangout on my steam engines, and my 6 axle modern power look fine on it as well.
Don Z.