This train stuff is all fun and games until the sparky bug hits. I had a derailment last night (operator error). The red light on my KW popped on and stayed on. I thought, oh no here I go again.
The same thing happened two weeks ago and I chased the wiring throught the entire layout. Tried different transformers, unhooked wiring and switches. I was not really sure what happened but eventually everything started working.
Last nights problem was shaping up to be roung two. I decided that the problem might be with the switch closest to the derailment (I concluded the problem must be with a switch since the red light would go off when I disconnected the constant voltage feed from the 20V tap. I pulled the switch and started to take it appart when I remembered I had an untried 022 switch that I purchased on ebay a couple of months ago.
Installed the replacement switch and all is working. I was tired and didn’t tear the other switch apart. Sparky can be a pain in the rear. At least I didn’t have to try to put any smoke back in the wire. I have real problems with that task.
I had to share!