Should Canada be linked to CN?

What about the WC and DMI&R?

You know, I just don’t get it – unless it’s our usual capability of running down anything which is Canadian and works. You take the one railroad on the continent which goes to all three major coasts, has one of the best operating ratios anywhere, runs freight on time, and has a safety record which is no worse than any other class I, and trash it.

It’s our railroad, doggone it, and a very good one indeed, and I’m jolly well proud of it – whether is Canadian National, Canadien National, or CN.

A 2003 article in Trains Magazine about the possible sale of BC Rail said that the Government would retain ownership of the MOW. Does it still own it?


Interesting question especially for those of us who live in BC.

According to the ‘lease/sale agreement’ (if that’s in fact what it is) between CN and the BC provincial gov’t, the ROW is still owned by the province although this is basically hearsay. To the best of my knowledge the text of the agreement has never been made public. The provincial government refuses steadfastly to do so, stating the deal is in the best interests of the BC taxpayers and does not need to be made public. ‘Father Knows Best’ thinking if ever I saw it. If the deal is so good let us look at it and decide for ourselves. This is part of the reason the CN’s operation of the former BC Railway is such a question within the province. The other reason is as I’ve said before, the CN is a flatlander’s railroad whose ability to operate in mountainous terrain, especially on BC Rail’s ROW, is rather more than suspect. This situation has also raised the hackles of more than a few of us BC taxpayers who wonder just what we got for our provincial rail asset in the deal. It is also the focus of a court case involving two former government (and I might add political appointees), David Basi and Bob Virk who are on trial for their part in the dealing that went on between the provincial government and the original three bidders, Omnitrax, RailAmerica and CN. The focus of the case is that they (and by extension the provincial government) used undue influence to skew the bidding process in favour of CN. IIRC RailAmerica and Omnitrax in particular withdrew in somewhat public exasperation with the process which they believed was ‘stacked’ against them. Provincial government (and cabinet) offices were later raided by RCMP and Victoria police (in 2005 I believe) and large numbers of documents were removed very publically. However Mr Justice Dohm who was (and I believe is still) in charge of the case, ordered the recor

Have you ever seen the CN or known employee’s?

Simply asking the question:

Is that a reference to personalities? I’ve known good and bad ones that work for that road.

Always remember the immortal words of Al Capone when asked a question about Canada, his reply was “Canada? ? Canada?? I don’t even know what street it’s on”

That does not seem correct according to the CN website…

Nowhere does it say anything about “CN/IC”. There are references to “the former IC”. Take a look for yourself.

Yes. I’ve known a number of them, and I was one for some years. And I’m proud of it. Like every other outfit, there are good ones, and not so good ones; just for the last few years, there seem to be a few who are not happy with the railroad and miss no opportunity to make their unhappiness known – which is too bad, but which also happens in any company.

They made a mistake then. According to FM it should be China Overseas Railway or maybe China International Railway. [:-,]


Marc Immeker

Well it’s the CPR That’s the “Chinese Pacific Railway”, it serves China well and the Chinese built it.

Why should Canada not be linked to CN? It serves a large part of Canada and the company was built up in Canada, so what if it has become partly American?


All of the CN employee’s have the same answer when I ask this question.

Me: So hows the CN doni?

Them: Sigh IIII donkno… sigh

Canadien is in deference to the large French speaking population of Eastern Canada (with it’s largest city being Quebec) and Canadian being the English based spelling. You may have noticed that some CN cars and locomotives have one spelling on one side of the car/loco and the other side will have the other spelling…interesting and very PC.


[#oops] Noted with my apologies to those living in Montreal. [B)]