Show Me Something for June 2016..…5th Year Anniversary

Murray Guise NYC passenger train running on the Clubs HO modular layout.

Heck, at one time you had to be quick to get on this thread, and as I’m not sure what request will speed things up, how about something simple like a red oxide boxcar.

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

I hope this shot is acceptable?

Another boxcar of any color.

Here’s one.

More boxcars, please.

Two more PRR boxcars on my layout

More boxcars please

A box car with a goat brings up the rear.

Show me another green freight car…

Is this green? I sometimes have trouble with my colours, that’s how I ended up with a pink trainroom instead of grey.[:-^]

Show me a Royal Reefer.

That is so unbelievable looking that it looks real.

Yes, meant to say that.

No Royal reefer after 24 hours. So let us go back to boxcars. Two “foreign” boxcars being switched on the Southern Quebec Division.

More boxcars please.

Guy said, “Please show me more boxcars.”

A Burlington box car on the Redwing siding.

Show me more boxcars.

More boxcars please!

Here’s a boxcar hiding in an inside loading dock on my N scale Housatonic RR.

Show me more interior loading docks on your layouts!

Just built this low relief industry for the layout. Also has a Dock Plate on the dock to load into boxcars.

The Railway Express Agency building on the Boothbay Railway Village layout

Show me more industry loading

A GP7 doing some industry switching.

More industry loading or switching.

Shoving empty hot metal cars into the cast house for another “heat”

More industrial switching, please.

Here is something from ~10yrs ago on my previous layout. If you squint your eyes a little, you can glimpse an industrial switcher on the dock…

Show me some more switching, industrial or “lineside”

Here is a GE 44 ton switching a boxcar.

Please show more switching

A EMD NW2 switching reefers to the cold storage.

Show me a pair of reefers.

Guy wrote: “Show me a pair of reefers.”

If you look closely, there is a a pair of reefers just behind the NYC F7s.

Show me more reefers.