More than a day, and no goofs - I guess everyone is perfect
Show me more MOW ewuipment
More than a day, and no goofs - I guess everyone is perfect
Show me more MOW ewuipment
Here’s an MOW crane.
Show me a coaling tower.
Here’s one!
Show me an ash pit.
The ash pits on the Boothbay Railway Village layout, old photo soon afrer they were installed.
Show me a turntable
One turntable coming around…
Show me anything that was around in 1925…
PRR K4s #1361 was built in 1917 and was one of two preserved. Therefore she was around in 1925.
Show me a brass engine.
A very early one from one of the lesser-known producers in the 1960s. I’d have to track down the box to say which. I got it around 30 years ago with this very good paint job.
Show me something built from a wood and metal craftsman kit.
Eerie? Sure. My whole layout will be a bit eerie, as this is its centerpiece…
Sorry it took days to reply, but I’ve been feeling a bit psycho.
Now, show me something worth Reading and Ramble on.
More than a day and no Reading or wood and metal craft kit; so I drop the metal and stick with wood. A Northeastern Scale wood craft kit of the 70’ pulpwood car with a load made from tree twigs collected in my backyard.
SHow me something having to do with the forrest products industry
forrest products industry:
Show Me Something from the agriculture industry
Something from the agriculture industry:
Show me something from the Santa Fe railroad.
Santa Fe FM Erie Builts
Please show any first generation diesel
A single PRR EP-20 (EMD E-7) hauls #53, The Fort Pitt, out of town…
More Early Diesels Please…
A B&O Alco S-4 sits on an overgrown spur:
Show me any loco that was built in the early-to-mid Sixties
My baby U-boat fits that timeframe; U-18B MEC 404 “Kenneth Roberts”. A modified Athearn model that I did about 20 years ago; still need to add a decoder
Show me a diesel from the mid-1940s
An EMD NW2 delivered to CNR in 1946.
More mid-1940s diesel please.
How about some ALCO PAs introduced in 1946?
Show us more ALCOs.
Well, over 24 hours and no work cars. Here’s a flagpole at Horseshoe Curve.
Show me another flag on your layout.