SHOW Me Something: May 2018

LEGO toys will be next!

Just sayin’

[:)] Ed

So, is it John Allen, Monster, or LEGO’s?

To get back on “track” how 'bout continue the steam…

Show me another Yellowstone


OK… I am going to get this back onto track again… The last word I saw was LEGO… so…



The above picture is of the Florida Lego Users Group display layout.


Show me a .


EDIT: I posted at the same time as BOGP40… But, his request was real specific asking for a Yellowstone, Lets go with his request… Show me a steam locomotive, a Yellowstone if you want bonus points!




Sorry I was a little late with the blue dragon.

The Blue Dragon attacking the castle

The Wine Queen watches

He wanted some wine from the wine queen at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program:

Here is a steam locomotive restored by my historically society and pulling an excursion.

beautifully restored 4-8-4 Northern steam engine

Please show me more steam.

Tiny steam and larger steam.

Show me tiny steam, please

A tiny HOn30 Minitrains Forney on the Boothbay Railway Village layout

With a short train passing by the Whitefield engine house

Show me a small standard gauge steam locomotive

I couldn’t find the pictures of this on the layout, but here is a recent photo on the 2x4 Central

Show me geared steam.

Chip said: "Show me geared steam.

This little 3-truck Shay is a Model Die Casting/Roundhouse model.

More geared steam please.

Whoa! I never met someone who got one running.


Here is a Heisler I spotted on the Atlanta Interlocking Railroaders modular layout.



Show me a scene with a hotel, motel, B&B, or camping site.




More hotels or motels, regards, Peter

Shamrock Hotel is a low relief building against the backdrop on the Boothbay Railway Village layout. Just installed, and needs a bit of detailing around the base

More hotels or motels please

This old hotel has been converted into apartments.

Westside Story Apartments San Bernardino

Please show me a hotel or apartment building.

More hotels or apartment buildings, Regards, Peter

Here’s the Worthington Hotel, across from Union Station:

WT_Hotel by Edmund, on Flickr

Show me a drug store, apothecary or chemists.

My pharmacy is one of three Woodland Scenics kits I put together. The buildings are placed in the back of a corner where they are hardly noticed.

Please show a small scene with people on your layout.

Ok, here’s one.

Another scene with people, please.

A crowd at the dinner, maybe the downed wire

Show me more city scenes or ones with people

More scenes with people please, Btw the Giro is back in Italy after starting in Israel.

Regards, Peter