SHOW ME Something! September 2018

Welcome to the September , 2018

Show Me Something


This is a place where forum members can post their photos featuring a view of a “requested” scene or object.

If you show the scene requested you can then make a request of your own or choose to stay with the current request.

Your photos should be of models only, not a “real-life” scene. After 24 hours, if the requested scene has not been posted, anyone is welcome to make a submission of their own choice of subject and then make the next request. It’s all about having fun! Let’s see those photos!

Here’s a link to August’s thread:

Observation Car coming up!

Another Observation car would be good.

Do I spot the BATMOBILE under that tree [8D]

Very clever!

Regards, Ed

Rodger wrote: “Another Observation car would be good.”

Nothing too exotic, a Athearn BB kit Santa Fe car with tinted glass:

Another observation car please.

This is my observation car lit up the next photo is the same car along with the diner and large window coach lit up
observation 1 by James COUNTS, on Flickr
observation 2 by James COUNTS, on Flickr
Show me more observation cars

Below is my diner-parlor-observation car (Silver Fountain). I kit bashed a Walthers Budd observtion car to make it.

Please show an oberservation car (streamlined or heavyweight) .


Ed: Thank you for starting the SHOW ME SOMETHING thread for September.


This is a GN observation car I saw on the North Georgia Modurails sectional layout:



Show me any passenger car.




My pleasure, folks.

Not just any passenger car, but U.S. No. 1, the Ferdinand Magellan, the armor plated car built for U.S. President’s use.

Is that Churchill and FDR I see on the platform along with Eleanor and Clementine?

IMG_8223_fix by Edmund, on Flickr

Show me a hopper car that’s not black or oxide red.


Here is a black one, and oxide red one, and as requested, a gray hopper car.



Show me a boxcar red freight car that is NOT a boxcar.




2 boxcar red freight cars that are not boxcars

A 70 ton pulpwood car

and a flatcar with a pressure vessel load

Show me a boxcar that is not boxcar red

I think this qualifies:

DTI_PS by Edmund, on Flickr

Show more “not boxcar red” boxcars.

Two greenies in a row.

Please show me a blue boxcar.

Here you go!

The EL acquired some blue Boxcars for General Foods Service, which they helped finance, and the cars were painted in GF standard color.

Rick Jesionowski

Rick did not make a new request, so I guess blue boxcars are still in effect.


Here is the ultimate freelanced blue boxcar… the VIRGINIAN & OHIO of Allen McClelland.



Show me a yellow or orange regular boxcar, not a refrigerated boxcar.




RailBox boxcar about halfway through this video of a southbound freight turning west on my layout.

Show me another boxcar.


Here is an orange boxcar.


Pleas show me another box car that is orange or yellow.

I have 3 box cars 2 in service one in storage in the yard The LN and star Kist have yellow in them

yard box car by James COUNTS, on Flickr
box car 2 by James COUNTS, on Flickr
star kist box car by James COUNTS, on Flickr
Show me a court house city building ect.
this is mine
City building with pine trees and iron fence by James COUNTS, on Flickr


Here is a Police Station on the Dixie Lego Users portable display layout.



Show me a building that is not made of brick or wood.




Galvanized siding over steel framework…

IMG_7345_fix_web by Edmund, on Flickr


Show me a building that is not made of brick or wood.

Blast furnace …

Plase show another building not made of brick or wood.