Signals on the LION

On route of Broadway LION, the tracks do control the speed of the trains.



Maybe you are not done yet, but I think you should paint the wires and resistors on the bottom of the signal flat black. I use Model Masters enamel paint for the open backs of my signals.

Yup. I just stuck that there to see how it looked. The LED array is of course bigger than and different from a normal NYCT signal. Wires, where exposed will be painted, or some will be left in their antique 1920 version of waxed cloth wrap, but hose will be a senic element anyway. I have some nice fiberglass stuff that will make good ladders etc for standing signals. Something like this just might get an equipment box under the signal head.

I bought these LED arrays from All-Electronics at a deal price, but these are no longer in their catalog, and I am not sure that I want to spend real prices getting them from Digi-Key. If I run out of these I may go back to fabricating my own with stickes of wood.

There is a track resistor in the picture, part of my automation system. This may be painted black, yellow, or black with wellow ends, NYCT would do all three depending on who was doing what where and when.

A work in progress.