I have a stupid question most likely but I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it come to wiring so please excuse me.
I have Oregon Rail signals (2 light targets). I assume they are to be DC powered and NOT AC. Can they be wired to the rails, or must I buy a DC transformer just for them. Also is it possible to wire them in chain so I can flip a switch and the lets say reds facing S go out and flip a 2nd switch and the green come on? I am running DC trains…sorry no DCC for me the cost is to high.
also a question on switch track. Can I use a DPDT slid switch from Radio Shack instead of the ones furnished by Atlas? [V] Oh yeah, how would I wire them?
Forgive my stupid question by I am electric impaired . . .
Sure wi***he old Model Railroader show w/Lynn Wescott was still on PBS
Only if you want to burn out the solenoid switch machines. They must be controlled by a momentary contact switch, like the Atlas slid and press type. If you converted to Tortise or SwitchMaster stall type motor machines, you could use them. But Radio Shack is an awfully expensive place to purchase electronics.
I’m not entirely sure what you mean here but i’ll try help out anyway.
It sounds like you want 2 switches one controlling red and one controlling green but i’m not sure why you would be after this unless you are manually trying to simulate approach lighting, in which case i would agree with nfmisso’s recommendations of a toggle switch with a center off.
Another thing i initially thought you meant was to have 2 switches that controlled the same signal but from different points on the layout so you could follow your train around the layout and not have to go back to the flip the switches. If that was what you wanted it could be done although the wiring maybe too involved for your liking.
[2c] There are no stupid questions on this forum wmlurgan. Your questions (and the replies) will help alot of other folks. After all, you’re smart enough to ask for help first before burning your stuff up.
Hang in there and don’t get discouraged. Remember we’re all in this together, we’re pull’n for ya!
for electronic components, try www.demarelectronics.com. prices appear very resaonable. i built a capacitive discharge circuit for my switch machines and i use regular micro-switches. the circuit prevents the switch machine from burning out. i got this circuit out of an old Lynn Westcott wiring book. it was easy to build and has served well for over15 years and 60+ Atlas switch machines