
In Fox Lake, IL they put up a new Signal Tower. It has a Red or a White signal.

What does the white signal mean?

A white signal (probably lunar white, which is different) means to proceed at restricted speed, which is usually not to exceed 20 m.p.h., and capable to stop within half the range of vision to stop short of train, engine, obstruction, switch not properly lined, and to look out for broken rail or anything else that may cause the speed of the train to be reduced.

Let me guess…this signal is on a siding, where trains (probably Metra trains) are granted permission to enter the main track for their run into Chicago. This restriction may only be through the switch, in that case.

Someone who knows the territory might be able to elaborate.

Looks like Fox Lake holds a lot of the Metra trains in a yard there. I take it this is the northern terminus of most Metra trains?

Perhaps this signal will function rather like the metering signals on some freeway ramps? It appears the Fox Lake station is a short distance down the line.