#1 Pick a nice blue color. I mixed some really dark blue paint with white to get a lighter color.
#2 Paint the backdrop blue with a brush or roller. The key is to get a lot of paint on.
#3 While the blue is still wet take some white and paint it on the bottom with a brush and blend it in as you go up. Don’t blend more than halfway up though.
#4 While the blue is still wet stipple the clouds w/ the brush. Stippling is when you just tap the end of the brush on the board. Don’t make your clouds a perfect shape.
#5 For the wispy clouds a quick swoosh of the brush will do a good job.
#6 After the blue and white has dried paint the hills using a small brush. I picked up some inexpensive acrylic paint at Pamida.
#7 After the hills have dried (acrylic paint dries VERY fast) paint the trees. This method is for evergreen trees- stipple them using a small paintbrush. Don’t have trees all the way across. On my backdrop the trees on the right are supposed to be off in the distance and the trees on the left are close (that’s why they’re bigger)
and there you have it. It’s easy and lots of fun
I should note that my backdrop is 1/4" plywood.