I have just finished a scratch building of an Old Barn. I want to create bails of HAY or Alfalfa. Any suggestions for a good material to use? Layout is HO
I have just finished a scratch building of an Old Barn. I want to create bails of HAY or Alfalfa. Any suggestions for a good material to use? Layout is HO
I did a Google search, and there are lots of videos of people making their own.
JTT has these. I think what I would do, is try carving them from foam. Just an idea.
Google: HO scale hay bales
I think Mike may be on to something; foam. I would try stiff wire brush and drag it across the surfaces,maybe a fine wire for the twine.
Instead of each bale, it might be easyer to carve a stack.
BTW a adverage bale is 16in high, 18 wide and 36/40 long. the stems would lay along the 18 side, and stem ends on the sides.
Colorwould be any thing from a yellow green to a rich evergreen, depending on how long the sun bleached it
I want to see your barn
I used square stock, close to the scale dementions for the above size. I like the idea of cutting foam into strips, then to length. Rough slightly with a wire brush.
Foam for a stack or load of hay sounds like a good idea too.
Color can run from near yellow for straw bales to a fairly rich green for top quality hay and alfafla. Don’t think I 'd go quite as dark as evergreen, at least around these parts.
Let us know how they come out.
Good luck,
Checkout this video as a possible method for making your own baled hay.
[quote user=“UNCLEBUTCH”]
BTW a adverage bale is 16in high, 18 wide and 36/40 long. the stems would lay along the 18 side, and stem ends on the sides. Colorwould be any thing from a yellow green to a rich evergreen, depending on how long the sun bleached it[/quote
Yep, the knives on the baler plunger is what cuts and forms the sides of the bale. Always cut ends, both sides.
The season it’s cut will also have a lot do with color. First cutting is early summer, and a bright green. Depending on location, in WI., a third cutting is usually normal.
I would also like to see your barn! Please?
PS. SO, now the quote thing has gone goofy? Geeez! what next!
Small blocks of foam, painted to shade, and static grass glued on.