Little known fact: the underlying framework of the operating system (kernel etc) for Win NT 3.51, NT4, Win2000, and Win Xp are all derived from OS/2, back when MS and IBM were joint venturing. They were working on a “portable” version of OS/2, targeted at the “Power pc” and VMS platforms, which, the codebase was given to MS as part of the divorce settlement. So, when people say “Windows won the operating system war” They really couldn’'t be more wrong. “Windows” (the true 'windows") died with Windows Me…
<----------------------------------------------- LOOK i just turned 500 too!! a few days ago…
Oh and… a note for abbot and costello: whos on first is the best skit ever…
LC now thinking of changing his name to ? could it be HOOTERS ? lol [:D]
I guess Kev’s red streak is now green. [:p] [^] [xx(] [?] [^] [:p]
LC i will send you a crisp clean Canadian 5 dollar bill in the mail if you change your ID name to HOOTERS.
Hey for $5 you can call me anything you want to.
Can anyone guess how MY handle came to be…and no, its not because of the Burlington Northern Santa Fes K-line (AKA Hannible sub)
Jim T.,
I’ll give it a try:
Big Norfolk Southern Fan Kinda Like I Never Envisioned
Oh come on Jim, it’s only cold up here for nine or ten months of the year. And last winter wasn’t too bad, only three or four feet of snow (in that one flurry).
Yeah the Skeena is supposed to be a pretty “cool” trip. Via rail treats you pretty good on that run. I haven’t had the pleasure of that ride, my only venture across the Rockies was at 38,000 feet compliments of that other great Canadian people hauler Air Canada.
Vallytenderfoot…Not even close…Burlington Northern Santa Fe Kline (My middle name)
Ok, since others have told about their names…ok, I have, but I’ll tell here…
Ra’akone supposedly means “Raccoon” in Samoan, even if there are no raccoons in Samoa.
Ok, weird obsessions, eh?
I liked that Windows explanation. I read that too that O/S 2 and Windows NT essentially have “common ancestry”
[:(] ok - you lost the muddled Mook. You live in Canada. You are using a Samoan word. Are you a Samoan Canadian? If there are no raccoons in Samoa, why would they even have a word for it, unless it is referring to an animal in another part of the world. Wouldn’t it be better to use a Samoan word for trains, which they may not have either - but would be more logical. I think a long lunch hour is in order after all that!
[:(] ok - you lost the muddled Mook. You live in Canada. You are using a Samoan word. Are you a Samoan Canadian? If there are no raccoons in Samoa, why would they even have a word for it, unless it is referring to an animal in another part of the world. Wouldn’t it be better to use a Samoan word for trains, which they may not have either - but would be more logical. I think a long lunch hour is in order after all that!
OK we will let you have an hour long lunch today. But no more Friday afternoons off. It just starts out the weekend on a sour note for the rest of us. Just gotta have one last Mook fix Friday afternoon to make it through the weekend. [:p] [:)] [:D]
Jim - Mookie has about 90 hours of vacation to use up before the end of the year. She is just about as devoted to her job as she is to trains! She hates taking time off! They say no one is ever going to die and have “I Wish I Would Have Worked More” engraved on their headstone - well, I got news for them - Mookie will!
Well, I came up with the name Ra’akone before I became a born-again railfan. I use Ra’akone almost everywhere…except my YIM, where I use rdctwist (after a certain dance popularized by Chubby Checker…and a certain self-propelled diesel railcar I may have ridden on when I was younger)
There were once rails in Samoa…Independant Samoa had a narrow-gauge “wireless tramway” (in both senses…it was used to service a transmitter tower…or “wireless”…and it used gasoline rather than catenary), which was later extended to serve several plantations, erected by the Germans, and kept through the NZ administration until the late 50’s (the last years, modified NZ rail locos were used).
American Samoa had a temporary railroad built during WW2 for hauling cannons into position, it was donkeys hauling flatcars…and because it took so long for the material from the US to arrive, the local forces arranged for native carpenters to “carve” a wooden track and wooden flatcars. Definitly NOT FRA approved!
Incidentally the Samoan word for train is “Ta’avale’afi” or “fire-car”…and Hawaiian used a similar word.
I don’t know how interesting this will be, but I’ll explain the “Admiral H”. It is short for Admiral Halsey. He was William Fredrick Halsey, Admiral, USN (Retired), now deceased. I am distantly related, but was named after him. In high school, I had a science teacher that was a WWII history buff, and he made the connection. From that point on, in his class I was known as “The Admiral”. He was kind of a kook, and had me put “The Admiral” on all my tests. Well, to make a long story longer, the name stuck. It is now also my “Biker” name, amongst the folks I ride with. And my CB handle as well. I figure, since I’ve been branded with it, I might as well use it.
I promised myself I wouldn’t do this 'cause it’s in a different topic but I really have to know. Mookie, just how the devil could you hold a headless corpse to, quote, ‘**** down the hole’
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned-william shakesphere
stay safe
Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Oh sorry, wrong person.
Just couldn’t resist. [}:)] [:p] [:D]
[:D] The guy making coffee threw everything down to come and see what I was laughing so hard about! Well, Pop, you just made my day!
Actually, it is very simple. I have a driver - ergo 4 hands instead of just two. You know, co-conspirator!
Laughing Mookie!