Size of Bachmann HO Mallet 2-6-6-2 Tsunami speaker is??

I ask this question of the speaker size in the tender for the one I own I have not taken off the tender shell yet to see and at the moment would not care too. ( maybe later? ).

Since there are more than one size speaker tsunami installs in the Bachmann steam engines I would like to tune the sounds a little finer using “Tsunami equalizer” as can be done according to a couple of pages from this “Tsunami users guide” below. But I don’t want to harm a speaker by pushing too many decibels through it.[:O]

Sound Programmingare as follows:

CV 128, Master Volume Control

Primary Audio Mixer CVs

CV 129, Whistle mixer level

CV 130, Bell mixer level

CV 131, Exhaust mixer level

CV 132, Airpump mixer level

CV 133, Dynamo mixer level

CV 134, Blower mixer level

I do believe your Bachmann unit has a stripped down version of the Tsuanmi…hence, no equalizer.

David B

[#oops][:$] Embarrassed I am David and I apologize for this thread. Lately I’m jumping to conclusions without thinking properly. You are right for my Tsunami is stripped down and I knew that for it has been posted time and time again about Bachmann factory installed Tsunami decoders.

Guess I’d better stick to the Tsunami sounds I already have for I don’t believe it would be worth it to strip out the default Tsunami and buy a TSU 1000 for $119.00 USD

I love sound on my engines and I do remember watching the C&O steamers just about 200 yards from my Grandparents farmhouse ( farmhouse on a hill at least 100 feet above the C&O tracks ) in Lake county Indiana. That particular stretch of rail in our view at farmhouse was a start of a 1 1/2% grade and the start of a very large curve which would continue for the next 2 1/2 miles to Beatrice, Indiana ( small milk and passenger stop ) then level off. I remember watching the big puffs of black smoke from the stack as the engine started the hill.

This was all in the early 1940’s through 1952, so this 2-6-6-2 with sound I have really brings back the memories. [:)]

Edit: I did pull the tender shell off the 2-6-6-2 and the speaker measures 1 & 1/8 inch in diameter as close as I could measure.

You have an answer on the spkr size and here are the CV’s available to you and their defaults. This is from the Soundtraxx website.

You could pull the factory equipped decoder and sell it on ebay, maybe for a good price. It will give the Ranters here, some fodder for another ebay post. [:)]

I would leave it as is.

I just received a Spectrum 4-6-0 with factory Tsunami and I run it with a Spectrum 4-6-0 I put a Micro Tsunami into. Not a big deal as I am not a rivet counter. Ok, I just do not count all the rivets.

Many HO locos use a 1.1 inch speaker.

Don’t forget to read over the SoundTraxx site. There is loads of good DCC info.

If you ever get a Athearn loco with Tsunami, the last I knew, those do not have all the same CV’s.

Bowser/Stewart locos with the Tsunami have all the same CV’s and are the same TSU that we buy.


You have an answer on the spkr size and here are the CV’s available to you and their defaults. This is from the Soundtraxx website.