Went back and wandered around their site a bit, there are some really GROSS recipes in there utilizing the infamous slider as the primary ingredient. Just think, for Thanksgiving dinner you sit down for your traditional roast turkey with White Castle and sage stuffing. The first thing that comes to mind is “Bob, you need to add one more descriptive non-complimentary smiley”.
Although I would like a scale or at least semi-scale White Castle, building not burger. [:D]
Love 'em too. So happy one just opened a few minutes from home. Too bad the layout was in HO instead of the King of Scales, and they played the main character as a goofus. Hmmm, have to see how many sliders can be accomodated in one of my gons.
I have seen a White castle models on some layouts on “I Love Toy Trains”. I am not sure if they were really good kit bashed, or if they were available from a manufacturer. I grew up with sliders and can’t say I really miss them. They tasted good going down, but they twisted my guts when they got there. As Dr. John said, we have Krystals down here in Dixie, and my wife loves them.