Slippery Traction Tires

My wife has a New Bright battery operated train that we set up at Christmas time. I took it out today and for some reason it will no longer pull anything other than it’s tender because the traction tires slip on the rails.

The track is made of plastic and the wheels are plastic with rubber traction tires. Does anyone know of a way to make the wheels stop slipping?

I started to try some belt dressing that you put on auto fan belts, but I wasn’t sure if it would affect the rubber tires and make it worse.

I tried cleaning the tires and track with alcohol, but it still slips. [:(]

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Rubbing alcohol is a NO NO. The denatured is what you use [like at Ace or other hardware stores. Not familiar with those but might try a very Fine emory cloth and give them a little buffing.

Try cleaning the traction tires with GOO Gone. Also clean the track with same.

I’ll give that a try.

I used rubbing alcohol the first time.

Someone said that was a no no. Does it leave a film or does it destroy the rubber?

not good for the rubber.