Please slow down in construction zones. I am a construction worker, and last wensday I was hit by a car, i now have a dislocated shoulder. out of work for a while. the problem is the guy who hit me didn’t even get a ticket. so please slow down in work zones.
He is probably wondering why you didn’t get the *^&& out of his way! [:D] Hope you are making a complete recovery!
Well in a lot of states its an automatic double fine for speeding and some (wish it was all ) its an auto matic fine for wrecklase driving and double fine because consruction zone. I personally slow down in those zone and if workers are around I slow down even more because sometimes they accidently get out to far. Over in Italy if you hit a pedestrian (including construction worker) your liable for suporting his family at what they are custom to living on till that person gets back on there feet.
Sorry to hear of your accident,RJ. That really bites, especially the dislocated shoulder; you’ll need some good physio on that for some time to come. Are you on compensation? Insured? I don’t know that I would urge you to sue, but maybe, if you are absolutely certain that buddy was not driving properly, you should get a lawyer, especially if you have witnesses. That shoulder will bother you for ever, and could eventually preclude you from earning a reasonable living, or even having a decent quality of life.
Did the police conclude that he was not at fault, or that you contributed in any way? I guess that they couldn’t fine him if there was no proof of his actual speed.
I do take the speed signs to heart when near construction zones because if it were me out there, I’d want the drivers to exercise due caution.
I hope you get better in a jiffy.
One thing a lot of people don’t realize when they complain about road construction crews “just sitting around” is that at least a couple of those guys are there JUST to look out for crazy drivers and sound a warning if some maniac barrels through the cones. Lots of folks drive around trying to talk on their cellphone, read the newspaper, eat breakfast and watch a DVD all at the same time–driving barely enters into the equation. Pay attention–the red stuff they scrape off the highway might be yours someday…
Im sorry to hear that.I wish you a speedy recovery.
I have seen in some places a police car parked off to the side of a construction site just to watch.
They do the same thing on the railroad.The maintenance in the way gang has one person that stands there and watches for trains.And gets his guys off the track when it gets close.
A speedy recovery, railjunky! May give you more time to work/plan on the home layout!!
I am very sorry for your accident. I always obey the speed limit and look out for workers; all good Americans doing a job we all need done.
But, please tell those in charge they need to shorten the workzones. I realize this will cut into the kickbacks on barrel and sign rental, but the situation is ridiculous. Closing lanes a mile and a half before a bridge being worked on is typical. Once on I 70 East of Columbus, they had 20 miles barreled off and they were working on one spot. One.
Mybe if our LAZY A$$ cops would stop eating their jelly roll dough nuts and just do their job that mabe your job just might be a little safer now woulden’t it?
Ticket???..they ought to tie him to a wagon wheel and give him a good horse whipp’in!..Chuck
That is a really crappy thing to say about people who work hard in a dangerous profession for relatively low wages. If you ever really need a cop I hope they just mail you a bag of doughnuts and let you fend for yourself.
[:(!] [:(!]
I sorry to say but over the years the cops in this country don’t even care about your or my safety at all. If they wanted to do some thing about the problem they would DO something about it now would they?
Sorry about your injury, railjunky2.
Alabama is one of those states that has the double fine for speeding in a construction zone while workers present. My nephew is a trooper and they place a car and trooper in these areas (particularly interstate). He has pulled people over doing 80 in the 50mph zone and has given out as many as 12 tickets in one shift.
Unfortunately and most of the time, the construction crews fail to cover the “Workers Present” sign when they are not working so when drivers don’t see anyone, they get accustomed to disbelieving the sign and speed through. Personally, just the thought of hitting someone scares me enough to slow down.
QUOTE: They do the same thing on the railroad.The maintenance in the way gang has one person that stands there and watches for trains.And gets his guys off the track when it gets close.
Indeed–I have had Part 214 safety training in order to participate in railroad-museum Maintenance of Way operations. The chief of the MoW operation always tells us the story of the guy on watch duty who got a severe dressing-down because he set his foot on a bolt while another worker tightened it, to help his co-worker do the job–the lookout isn’t supposed to do ANYTHING but look out! Smart advice–safety is nothing you want to skimp on!