small wood caboose

checked ebay but i cant seem to find a decent HO small wood caboose. There are tons of athearn “santa fe” style caboose but very little wood caboose. i just need a cheap little one so i can tag it to my 70 tonner and operate safely [:)] could that be a good scrathbuilding project?? wondering if anyone has link or MR back issues with article on bashing a simple wood caboose


You might want to try jumping forums into the Pull Out Plans forum under Garden Railways section. There’s a few topics on plan #78 - a wood caboose. The gauge is obviously wrong for HO but the pictures will give you ideas. Either that or do as I did and guess the dimensions (based on a 40’ base) and scratch your own car.

This car is a little further on now having trucks and kadee couplers, but as yet, no detailing parts.

Hope this helps,


Bachmann did a plastic four-wheel bobber several years ago in their “silver series”. These are reasonably nice models that I think would be quite appropriate, and I see them around at train shows and on E-Bay. Ye Olde Huff n Puff also had a series of semi-craftsman wood caboose kits that would be good, but it appears to me that they have closed shop.

Walthers offers “wood” cabooses in both 3 and 4 window variety. They are standard size (about 34’) but are pretty nice, I have 2.


The Athearn “Bobber” is an inexpensive solution that with a few customizing touchs looks good on the end of a short local freight, logging or mining train. A bit more expensive is Kadee’s logging caboose - see If you want a two truck caboose, you may be able to find a Roundhouse Wood Caboose (Item 1-108 for CPR)

Both short cabooses appear in the Grizzly Northern photos at

There are DOZENS of wood cabooses on the market.

AMB: 24 different models

Funaro & Carmelengo: 10 different models

Walthers: eight different models

Grandt Line: one HOn3 caboose

Bethlehem Car Works: Nine different models

Precision Scale: three different HOn3 cabooses

The Shops: six different models

Westerfield: Seven different models

Kadee: one logging caboose

Atheran/Roundhouse: three different models

The list goes on…

I use a wood bobber kit made by Ye Olde Huff"n Puff.

I run “wood bobbers” on my Sawyer Lumber RR line. The two types that I have are the Kadee, a very nice little kit made of plastic and the Ye Olde Huff’ n Puff’ which is a bit more “craftsman” and a wood kit. Both are very nice and not all that difficult to assemble.

All though my “Huff’ n Puff” bobber is pretty old and I did hear the they went out of business…I’ve also heard that they are back in business!

I forgot to mention in my post…

Ian, I like you handy work! Is that a prototype of a work caboose /switching caboose…? And what time frame would it be from?