Hi all, I’m building and bashing the Wlathers HO Tugboat. I plan on installing a sound decoder for Motor sound, lights, horn and bell. See post in DCC 7 electronics if interested.
I would like to install a smoke unit like those used in locomotives. Any idea of a source for one of these I can install in the tug?
Controlling smoke with a decoder but I doubt RS sells the relay anymore and you will need a way to get DCC to the decoder since there was a question about sound decoder.
i viable alternative is ultrasonic misters with a fan. They are small, make up quite a bit of “smoke” and don’t leave a smelly oily residue as it uses ordinary water. Check out amazon on “Ultrasonic misters”
Have You figured a way to install all the things that You want to put in it yet?
Having idea’s for the things You would like to do is one thing…getting them in and being able to get at them for maintenance is another. The main cabin deck mounts to the deck in a curved floor. The pilot house and stack are the same way and the railing is styrene and is put on in sections. You have to find a way to make it removeable…but yet keep the contour so it will fit without a whole bunch of light bleed thru the seams, of the pilot/stack deck and the cabin. Also make sure the smoke unit will fit in the stack without melting it. Lot of things to think about.
You can click on pic’ to make it larger:
On mine, the main cabin deck is glued to the main deck and the railing deck with pilot house/stack is held in place with one wood screw that goes into the stack and there is a block of pine wood epoxied to the hull. If You put a smoke unit in there You won’t have room to do that…some things to think about. Not as easy as it sounds…
In the tug makes sense, but like Frank noted, what about the longtime maintenance access? Assuming you could live with the model being stationary, putting the smoke generator below the “water” with its stack protruding up through the tug’s stack makes morer sense. That frees up room in the tug for hgher priority needs there. Also takes the worst of the heat out, another benefit to other purposes inside the tug. This will also allow for a higher capacity smoke generator unit that could make for an overall better scene, keeping in mind that more smoke = more yuck factor.
check on the engine for the tug, some engines were crossovers from railroads and boats, a cummins might give a good tugboat sound… I don’t know what decoder has any smoke controller, BLI is sure doing something but the device might be separate from the actual decoder. As mentioned seuth has been the thing for smoke, they even have a puffing version.