I have been searching for a set of smooth side UP coaches to go with my challenger i cant seem to find any. the only one i can find are in N scale I run HO.
I think Rivarossi makes smooth side cars.I don’t know if they come in UP though.
MDC Roundhouse made them. You might try Discount Model Trains. I saw a bunch a couple months ago.
Some of the older, but still new in the box"Spectrums HW’s" have a drooping coupler problem
and some do not accept Kadee drop in replacements.
Be aware that longer passenger cars may require up to 24" radius such as the Budd UP cars.
I run my Athearn Challenger as an excursion pulling my Budds.
The old AHM Rivarossi smooth sides, the new Walthers Rivarossi smoothsides, the IHC (inaccurate) smooth sides, and the slightly shortened Con-Cor smooth sides should give you something to run behind your engine.
Dave Nelson
thank you I have been looking for somthing to pull behind my challenger. I would have liked to get #3985 but they were sold out and they will be forever it is a one time deal so i got #3943 it has smoke deflectors and looks very nice.
countershot, how much are you willing to spend on aquiring #3985? I was on ebay and in the search box I entered HO #3985 and found a Lionel HO Challenger #3985 with a ‘buy it now’ tag of $599.00. Check it out.
Have you checked Athearn??? They do have quite a lot.
Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter!!!
The latest Walthers catalog has the Rivarossi line in it. Even though the company is not making them currently, you can still find some on LHS shelves and EBAY.
The UP Excursion sets are 635-6997 and 635-6998 sets of 4 cars each. The regular UP non-excursion are 635-6995 and 635-6996. Then there are 4 cars that match the excursion and 4 cars that match the regular non-excursion set, they are all sold individually.
You will also see some smooth-side sets listed as 30s era, they are just the earlier Rivarossi versions. Some had interiors some did not. The sets I mentioned above are the latest version with R25 wheels and come with interiors. Light sets are separate.
Internethobbies.com still had some of the individual UP cars, you might try them. The Excursion cars go with the Athearn Genesis Challenger #3985 , as it is modeled after the current one being used by UP.
You can go to Union Pacific web site and see the current 42 cars the run.
Jon - Las Vegas
wow that was cool it tells me when they are going to run it so I can plan to go see for real!