Be sure to check out " Build The Sandy Harbor Terminal Ry." - Part 3 in the February issue of Classic Toy Trains. Remember the harbor scene that I posted last month? This is the third article in my series.
Dennis Brennan
Be sure to check out " Build The Sandy Harbor Terminal Ry." - Part 3 in the February issue of Classic Toy Trains. Remember the harbor scene that I posted last month? This is the third article in my series.
Dennis Brennan
What is “CTT”?
I’ve changed CTT to Classic Toy Trains
Great Photo
Work’s not bad either.
Love the effect you guys who model hilly country and towns get. Real 3d depth. I like that whole scene in your photo.
I had to look twice to realize it was Lionel!
Great job![tup][tup]
Any more pixs?
IT IS??? WOW!!!
Yeah,I took in the overall view and after I close the picture I realize that looked like a older Lionel switcher and went back to make sure.
I like that neat little touch of the “Denny loves Sandy” grafitti on the bridge.
Great job on the Sandy (Harbor) layout, Dennis!
It’s not often that you see a toy train that DOESN’T look like a toy train.[:O]
There are a few of us out there. I don’t think it matters if it’s three rail or 2 rail. Realistic modeling and attention to detail make the difference.
Dennis, more power to you, whether you are few or many. I love that image…it is quite stunning. If it were 1:2 scale, I might just appreciate the modelling as close to the prototype as it was, but with your much reduced scale, it is quite a pleasure to see.
The only way I can tell now is the size of the wheels on the boxcar!
Great job! [bow][bow]
Absolutely! I have seen 2 round the wall G Scale layouts that would rival any layout in attention to detail.
Yes, very well done, from the photo, I thought I was looking at a good HO scene and wondering where I could find a model of that bus going under the bridge.