Easy for you to say. You obviously have no idea what he does or how much he is paid to do it. Managing isn’t an easy job, even in a small organization. Whether Mr. Harrison is paid what he is worth is a matter for determination by the Board of Directors…
LC, excellent write up page 1(Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 18:32:27). You got lucky that day, but some aren’t as fortunate as you. I did see a railfan videographer set up for some action along a mainline in Indiana. What he video taped would eventually be sent to “You Gotta See This”. As his camera was facing the 4 lane highway, an 18 wheeler crossed over the tracks but had to stop just short of clearing the 2nd track. Cars ahead prevented this, so he had about an eighth still in the path of anything wanting to come through. Sure enough here comes a train. The men in the cab were seen ducking for cover moments before it collided with the trailer obliterating the back half end of it. I could see too the lead locomotive take a hard lean to the right looking like it was gonna jump the tracks, but it didn’t.
The car ahead somehow ended upside down on the hood of the rig and the videographer had ringing in his ears that persisted for two weeks. Thankfully nobody was seriously injured. Just watching it even though I was out of harm’s way still brought the anticipation an impending collision all the while praying to God nobody gets hurt. Train vehicle collision videos are frightening. They give me an uncomfortable adrenaline rush. I can only imagine what stress engineers encounter daily.
“Easy for you to say. You obviously have no idea what he does or how much he is paid to do it. Managing isn’t an easy job, even in a small organization. Whether Mr. Harrison is paid what he is worth is a matter for determination by the Board of Directors…”
You are right on this one LC. It is easy for me to say. This Hillbilly and his gang of of other non-Canadian thugs and goons are destroying the company I work for. Been here for over 34 years LC, so it sure looks like I know what I’m talking about. I’m not going to apologise about the fact either. At least my *** isn’t sucking air as some of the patronising bunch on this forum do. If anyone down in the US of A thinks this clown [:o)] is doing a great job running our Canadian railway the way he is, well you can have him and his cronies back. We’ve had quite enough of his terrorist tactics on the CNR. Good thing he’s finding out the hard way that he can’t get away with some of the stunts he’s tried to pull in our country. Anyone that thinks HH is worth what he’s paid is dead [xx(] from the neck up. Like I said a year ago on this forum. Contract negotiations on the CN are really going to knock Hillbilly down a peg or two. He got away by the skin of his teeth last winter when the CAW guys were on strike. If it had gone on just one more week it would would have been curtains for HH. The scabs and foreign replacements were running on empty after the month long walkout. Hillbilly got away with scab replacements during that strike. He won’t get away with it during the next one. [8]
Signal Mechanic. Signal Department. Canadian National Railways.
You may have been on the CN for 34 years, but guess what, it ain’t the same old, same old CN anymore. It’s private now. That means that it is no longer the gubmint and has to stand on its own. I don’t know what you are smoking, but you are dreami
With all due respect L.C; from what I have watched and heard on several news stations including the CBC, I have summed up that CN management has made so many cuts in order to make themselves look lean that they are now looking a little anorectic.
BTW- I have a really interesting question to ask. That new diversion of the NS traffic that is suppost to go through Quebec and Sarasota Springs et al instead of the Buffalo Corridor; wouldn’t it have already come into effect on Sunday?
The reason I ask this is I saw 334 that day with 151 cars heading west to Toronto and was definately NS interchange traffic in its consist (CSX doesn’t handle some of the material via CN through here-that how I recognized it). I just thought that all that stuff would be gone now and they would remove the train or at least make the train smaller.