Solving a problem the old fashioned way.

Back where I came from people help each other out.

We have a forum member that is being limited in his creative skills because of poor equipment–a poor camera. His financial and health situation is such that left to his own devices, he will be doing his best to do what he can to do with what he has and not complain about it.

However, this is causing some people distress.

So there must be dozens of you out there that have a camera that you have out grown that collects dust. Put that camera to use and send it to Jeff. Don’t even ask for postage. Just get his address and send it. The better that camera is, the better you’ll feel.

I have a feeling he’s going to end up with 50 cameras. Even I have an older VGA camera I could send.

You beat me to it. I was just thinking the same thing. At least he will have plenty of back-ups.

Unless I miss my guess, he’ll need a tripod as well: both a floor unit and a small tabletop.

If I had somthing decent and un used I would send it to Jeff but unfortunately I have almost exactly the same camera. It is also my first digital camera ever.

Chip, I’m touched.

I don’t know what to say or how to thank you.


My mailbox is only so big, so don’t be clogging it up with bodies or glass of less than Nikkor quality.

If there’s any question on borderline equipment, the number to call is BR-549.



All joking aside a 3 mp or better can make great web-quality photos. When you get ready to publish in MR, let us know and we’ll see what we can do about the SLR.[:D]

There have been hundreds of hits so far. If you don’t have the camera or tripods to donate, you can help by keeping the post in the top half of the first page by responding.

Do it creatively so it is fun to read.

SpaceMouse you always have GREAT ideas.

I need a DCC system…Anybody got a spare? (anyone??)

What’s “digital”? [%-)]

I can tell you how I got mine.

Excuse me sir. I’m Special Agent Mouse, FCC DCC Division, [Flip badge really fast about now] and we have reports that your Zephyr is emitting electromagnetic energy that is interfering with police and broadband communications. We’re going to have to confiscate your unit for testing. If we find that none of the pieces of your unit have problems they will be returned to you within 180 days.

Sorry for the inconvenience."


Umm lets see, the computer you are using, any calculators that you have, oh and your tv if it’s new!

EDIT this is all sarcasim!

If you’re willing to settle for an EZ Command system, I can help you.

Yeah, I already gave mine away (to Blackeagle…you know him Jeff)…and you don’t want my old camera Jeff. Your current one is WAY better.

I think it means you work it with your fingers.

As opposed to feet, or, in some cases around here, tail.

Spacemouse, yah, that’s going to happen. I have to sneak out the back door to avoid MR reps after me for pub rights. My e-mail box is full, sacks of snail mail piling up at the PO, and my answering machine fills up every ten minutes or so.

Then I wake up, usually in a cold sweat.

For tripods I use little six inchers, set right on the layout about half the time. They go six or seven bucks at Walmart. Even the large ones can be had under $20. Worse comes to worst, a beanbag serves well. I used a beanbag ashtray, upside down, list price $1.99 at Big Lots, for some night shots on a camping trip once.

Unfortunately, the Olympus C4000Z I started with is still going strong, and all I ever use or need. Set me back $500 a few years ago, but now the equivalent goes for about a hundred and a half, if that. I have a point and shoot Pentax I’d donate, but it uses regular 35mm film, so no gain there either time you pay processing, enlargement fees and buy a decent scanner.

For the record, I just became aware of why this thread was started, I was up to my elbows in tomatoes all weekend.

My smart alec comments have nothing to do with that issue, I’m just naturally a smart alec by genetic disposition.

I like Jeff’s pictures, well a lot of them anyway. I probably like more of his than I like of my own.

It’s a little dissapointing when you click on them and they don’t get bigger, but that’s true of every single photo I see here and like. I have yet to see any big enough to satisfy me, and that’s probably why I don’t follow WPF often. Rock and hard place, I like big pics and can’t get better than dialup service at this location.

Jeff, some of your work shows real talent, both in photography, and in modelling skill. I see you trying angles nobody else will, and in my opinion, experimentation is the mother of invention.

You keep shooting, and when you get around to using a higher quality camera, you’ll be well ahead of those who don’t dare to experiment. I see real genius in some of your angles.

For now, a good angle with whatever camera you have on hand is better than a boring angle from an 8x10 view camera. Keep them coming.

I suppose I should have calrified that I was refering to Jeff W as the recipient of the spare camera. I’m sure jeffers is worthy of such generosit as well, but this time it’s Jeff W.

Hey, Hey, HEY, NOW!

I take objection to that.

There’s NOTHING wrong with my camera.

My pictures suck because I’m a lousy photographer and modeler, but my equipment is TOP NOTCH.

Let’s keep the blame where it belongs!


Now that’s funny right there. I don’t care who you are.

I suffer from the same problem.

That and the suffering Pygmies in Africa.

Okay, whose sending the camera to Jeffery.

and for you Jeff…