Some general questions

Hey, after getting the general feel of what I want my railway to be and teh layout almost done I started to do some pricing on tracks…

my god remote turnouts are expensive…and I need like 14 if I follow what I planned…anyone can offer me some advice as to what to use and when it would be appreciated cuz it sure jacks the price up…

also anyone know a really good place to order track from? I don’t care if it is american or canadian as long as the deal is good and shipping ain’t crazy.

also, since I am new shoudl I be looking at dcc or dc? I will include my webpage with the track I have I will probably be running two trains maybe three on it so…

well anyways heres the web site and any help once again would be great

For turnouts, I would definately recommend the tortoise switch machines. They work flawlessly and are easy to wire up. Use mini dpdt toggles to throw them. The tortoise is not all that cheap though. Was worth the money for me.

Since it is both a big plus to having fun and the direction the hobby is headed towards I would also recommend going DCC. Track wiring to me was easier and simple. Sooner or later your going to get the DCC bug, so why not go for it from the start.

Tortoises can be purchased in quantity at reduced priice on E bay.

It takes time to install a switch machine, turnout, wiring, and test. If you plan them over a long period of time the cost doesn’t seem that bad.

I only have a few hours each weekend so it took me forever to get them in. “Bulk purchases” (price break for buying large quantity) didn’t seem all that great to me.

I’ll second TBat55’s comment about taking time to install turnouts. Don’t ru***he installation. Make sure the switch motors work before you fasten down the track. Attach and lay down all of the connecting tracks before you fasten anything down. Make sure the rails are all aligned, and you don’t have gaps, particularly if you’re cutting flex track to go around curves. Go all the way around the curve and make sure the other end comes out in the right place, and at the correct angle. Check the radius on your flex track curves, too.

Also, if you’re going to isolate a siding, reverse loop or block, this is the time to think about where you’re going to use an insulated rail joiner.