Some more fun, a "NEVER ENDING STORY"

I found this on Kalmbachs, “Fine Scale Modeler” forum and it too, has taken on it’s own life, Sooooo I thought I would start over here so we as MRR’s could have a little fun with it too. Here’s the way it works, I’ll start the story with 3 words, then each successive poster will add 3 more to keep the story going. Here goes[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

My Train Layout

Is SO Big

it’s a M.E.S.S

Maintance is hard

My benchwork collapsed!

and now I

sit broken hearted

Wondering, “What next?”

And then my

Wife says Ohhhh

you need more

money to build

a second layer.

But I need

to stop buying

a new pair

of brass 4884s.

I went on

to purchase instead

a 4-6-6-4