Some photos of my mini layout...

Well, sort of…here are a few shots of my X Street layout, at least the small part of it that is mostly ready for prime-time…I had to “fudge” a couple of shots with spare buildings to make up for things I haven’t built yet, but wanted to give my digital camera a try…

CCT 30 crawls east on X Street

CCT 30 crossing 21st and X, a few minutes earlier

Long shot taken from the roof of a neighboring building

The other end of CCT 30

Close-up of Silveira’s Furniture

A high-altitude view of Silveira’s

A downtown bungalow up the street

And here’s some shots from a “quickie” diorama I built this week–the setting is, roughly, the WP’s 19th/20th Street line through Sacramento, on an industrial spur.

Looks good!
nice pickup!

[#ditto] nice Jetrock. I’m going to have to pry loose some funds for one of those cameras one of these days and a printer and a scanner – Oh gosh, what am I getting into here??? [:O]

The digital camera cost a whoppin’ $50.

That takes better macro shots than my cheapy digital. Care to share that particulars regarding make and model number?

Cintar DC-3505. 2.1 megapixel, fifty bucks at OfficeMax. It has a macro setting but I think I used the mid-range setting (it has three–macro, medium and the li’l mountain for far-off things.) It eats batteries at an alarming rate, though…

That is some nice work hoss.

Thanks! Check out for NmHi rechargables. I got a package deal from them with 4xAA, 4xAAA, 2x9v, and a charger for $19.99+ S&H. About $25 to my door. Took care of my wireless keyboard/mouse, the TV remote and my cheapo little digital camera for the same cost as 5 alkaline 9v batteries the camera eats like candy. :slight_smile:

so far so good