Some Pictures of my Layout

Hi Guys,
I was practicing with my digital camera yesterday and thought some of you might like to see some of my handywork. The first photo shows my use of the new Woodland Scenics “Auto-Scenes”, where a cop is handing out a ticket to a driver. The scene is only about 6 inches deep but I used a background photo from Scenic Express called “Hillside Town” which helps to create depth. The photo was $9.98. I cut out the sky from the photo and glued it directly onto my sky backdrop.

The second photo is of a farm scene which is at the end of one of my pennisulas and helps to distract a viewer that the trains are running around the end of the benchwork (rather than a tunnel).

The third photo is again illustrating one of the Woodland Scenic scenes with two couples out for a ride in a convertible.

The last photo shows how I used photos in the background to help create depth. The photo on the right is also from “Scenic Express”. It is their photo called “Ore Bridge” and also costs only $9.98. I cut out the sky from the photo and glued it to 1/4" thick foam board to give it strength and then set it against my sky backdrop. The scene in the photo is only about 12" deep but as you can see, it looks a lot greater than that. The photos in the left background are ones I took with my digital camera and blew up to 8" by 10".

I hope you enjoy the photos.

Great photos! Your backgrounds look really good and the scenery effects are well done. I have a couple WS vehicles too and they are very realistic.

You wisely modeled a steel mill the only way it can be done realistically. All you need is a yard to switch cars in and out and you have an industry that screams some attention.


Great shots! I like how you are doing the background. I am thinking of using my camera to get some shots around town to add to my backdrop, which is just clouds I got from wall paper. You are right, the depth is much deeper. Photo #1,3 are really my favorites on how the lighting came out.

Post More Pictures Please [:D]

Very nice work. Glad to finally see some shots of your layout. The photo backdrops look like they work very well. I really like your foliage, nice mix of materials and textures.

Thanks for sharing.


Hey Mondo,nice work,I also model the NEW HAVEN,my era is from 1950 - 1962. I have a bunch of info on the NH including Enginge rosters if your interested in them.

I like the background pictures. The layout looks cool also.[8D]

I love what you have done, great inspiration for the rest of us…you get an A today!!

Aside from the great photos, and thanks for posting them, mondo, your patient and keen eye for details is very evident in all the foliage and rock work, the pavement and markings, etc. Really well done.

Very good work some of the best background blending I have ever seen…How about some more pics of the rest of your layout?..Cox 47

the signal cabin in the last photo looks very good … never thought of painting in those colours…very nice…peter

Absolutely fantastic work Mondo, the blending of all the aspects is awesome. the backdrop-foreground. roads-scenery. buildings-surroundings. and the details are excellently proportioned-ie: the scenes don’t look cluttered. I am sincerely envious of your scenic capabilities and cannot wait to see more from you.

I dont see a weblink in your signature [:(] please tell me you have one with some step-by-step ‘how-i-did-it’ progress pics somewhere.


Have fun & be safe,

Great scene looks real nice

Nice pics you took, mondotrains. Great scenery and detailing to.[tup]

Thank you so much for your positive comments about my work. Being retired, I don’t get too many “attaboys” anymore. As far as using the digital camera, it’s been great fun. I’ll give you a couple of hints.

I went downtown Hartford on the weekend, when there was a lot less traffic and people to get in the way. It was so much fun to incorporate pictures from a city I’m familiar with, including photos of the Aetna where I worked for 22 years. I’ve worked several pictures from Hartford into the background of my city such as the Colt building, The Travelers tower, etc. and even took pictures of Stanley Works in New Britain, Connecticut. When people look at my layout, they enjoy seeing buildings they are familiar with.

I should tell you guys that I’ve found our local Wal-Mart developing process to be great because when you make enlargements, they print them on matte finish paper rather than glossy. Obviously, you don’t want your photos to be shiny. Actually, I use their Kiosk to enhance and crop my pictures and then they print them for me.

Hope this helps.

I’m so glad several of you enjoyed seeing my work. I’m glad I took the time to photograph it and share it with you. Certainly the positive feedback (I’ve spent too many hours on Ebay) is really appreciated.

I’ll be glad to post more pictures soon and try to explain how I achieved some of the realizm.


Geat Pics love the trains [tup][tup]

You did an excellent job of capturing New England summer with your scenery. Great pics thanks.
Bob K.