I was at my favorite LHS this afternoon scrounging through their stock of decals. Mostly Microscale but there was a fair number of old Champs in their own tray. I was apparent that some of them had been “rescued” from donations to the store or had been on the shelves from a long way back. At least none appeared to be as old as I am. But it got me wondering about the possible issue of shelf life.
Can one always expect well-aged decals to perform as well as recently manufactured ones? These issues might extend beyond just the installation process but extend also to their durability once affixed (if not coated later on).
After I got home I found a site that ID’d the various makers of decals for the road I model and came across an interesting note regarding the older Microscale decals. It mentioned that in earlier issues, the film on which the lettering was then printed (no dates provided) was noticeably thicker than other brands. The article’s author offered that because of that, he painstakingly cut them back to the edge of the lettering so that the surface relief when applied would not be so obvious.
He also mentioned that certain brands had inks that could run slightly and that damp q-tips could be used to quickly remove wandering tints. And opacity issues, where the underlying color could be perceived behind the lettering. Oh my, information I hadn’t expected.
Time to weigh in, folks, with your experience-based observations on the kinds you’ve used.
Naturally, I expect that the alternative of dry transfers to be injected into the discussion rather quickly. [;)]